Identification The water python is uniform iridescent dark brown to black in colour above, usually with a bright- to dull-yellow...
Archive for Project Category: Reptile
Murray Darling Python

Identification Carpet pythons are extremely variable in colour and pattern. Most specimens are olive green, with pale, dark-edged blotches, stripes or...
Southern Angle-headed Dragon

Identification The Southern Angle-headed Dragon is found only in rainforests and moist eucalypt forests. It once occurred in forests in...
Woma Python

Identification The woma is a large python with an average length of 1.5 m and a maximum length of approximately...

Identification Goannas (known as monitor lizards in other countries) are well represented in Australia and 19 species are found in...
Estuarine Crocodile

Identification Skin colour varies depending on where they live and their size. Colours range from almost black through to grey...
Eastern Water Dragon

Identification Dragons (family Agamidae) are a group of diurnal lizards that have small, dull, non-overlapping body scales. Many species are...